hoping to see this being frontpaged
hoping to see this being frontpaged
because for life is suffering
because I drew it
reminds me of this for some reason https://external-preview.redd.it/0PiQWJOz2NiGt81FfhkrUiG6RONlQS5D3dKMofdUJuU.jpg?auto=webp&s=94da990bb6cedd66b1382306e8803886c225e931
Very beautiful indeed
Best armor there is: plumes
Giving dullahan vibes
if only the panels continued
been eons i've seen anything yugi-oh, i must say this is a nice breath of fresh air
Congrats on the frontpage!
thank you!
Seeker of the unknown and the divine
Age 25
Design student
Terra Brasilis
Joined on 5/18/21